Cuddly Bear Curriculum
Cuddly Bear offers a wide range of programs, excursions, incursions, and unique experiences for the children to engage in and expand their interests and abilities. Please read some of these listed below. Please contact us if you would like to know more.
Victorian Government Approved Kindergarten Program
The Kinder Tick helps Victorian families find a funded kindergarten program for their children. .
When you see the Kinder Tick, you can be confident:
- the program will be led by a qualified teacher
- children will benefit from play-based learning
- the kindergarten program is funded and approved by the Victorian Government
- the program complies with government guidelines and the National Quality Framework.
This is the same in both long day care and sessional or “standalone” kindergarten services. No matter where your child attends a kindergarten program, they’ll be learning through play with an early childhood teacher.
Read More about the FREE Government Funded Kindergarten Program >

Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
The framework is a key component of the National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care. The EYLF was developed by the Australian and state and territory governments with input from the early childhood sector and early childhood academics. It has incorporated feedback from a consultation process, including two national symposiums, national public consultation forums, focus groups, an online forum and case-study trials.
The framework offers a vision where 'all children experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life'. It has been designed so that early childhood services will be able to develop their own strategies to implement its objectives.
The Victorian Early Years Learning & Development Framework (VEYLDF)

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) focuses on early experiences and learning from birth, and gives best practice advice to early childhood professionals on ways to support children and families through the first eight years of a child's life.
The VEYLDF adopts a comprehensive approach to children's learning and development. It identifies the five key Learning and Development Outcomes for children:
- Children have a strong sense of identity.
- Children are connected with, and contribute to, their world.
- Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
- Children are confident and involved learners.
- Children are effective communicators.
These Learning and Development Outcomes and the eight Practice Principles offer a shared language that helps early childhood professionals work more effectively with other professionals and families in a range of early years settings, including:
- maternal and child health
- child care (family, occasional and long day care)
- early childhood intervention
- family support services
- playgroups
- kindergarten programs
- the early years of school
- cultural organisations.

ELLA Program
At Cuddly Bear Templestowe, children in our Kindergarten room have the opportunity to learn Chinese (Mandarin), through Australian Government initiative called ELLA. Early Learning Language Australia is a digital, play-based language learning program for preschool children.
This inspires children by driving a genuine interest in a new language and culture. More information can be found at the Ella Website -
Kelly Sports
The program will run in the Pre-kinder and Kindergarten program once a week.
Children aged 3-4 years old – 11.30 -11.45am
Children in our Kindergarten - 11.45am-12.30pm
The popular weekly kinder multisport program will teach Cuddly Bear kinder Kids the foundational skills and build their confidence to participate in local sports teams. In term 2 the program at Cuddly Bear Templestowe will focus on: Throwing, Striking, Balancing, Catching, Kicking, Lots of fun sports!
The program are based on motor-skill learning and development to provide an introduction into sports. They incorporated things like teamwork, skills and understanding that as long as you’re doing your best that is all that matters!!! To see more about this program and how it will benefit your child please visit There is no charge for families for this sports program.

Swim Classes
When your child is 3yrs or over and is fully toilet trained, children enrolled at Cuddly Bear Templestowe are offered weekly 30 minute swimming classes at the indoor heated, swimming centre – Westerfold Swim Centre during your child’s attendance. Please click here to read more information!

School Transition Program
We believe in implementing a school transition program in our Government Funded Kindergarten, that allows smooth passage into schooling for children and families.